quickly determined where appropriate

this day, the steel blue became evident, like an American. no rain or snow could trouble the political situation. the trees ended, they had final. nothing but dark gave us reminders. there were souls everywhere, labeled and unlabeled as befits. distances were invented for the purpose of time, but time couldn't stand alone. we stayed within the deathmarch, yet struck a chord with love. this settled many things for us. we wake, not nearly so sick as yesterday. America as a unit determines all future, until China displaces that mass with yet another. meanwhile, the limestone of Everest crumbles softly, with intent. the people of Nepal and Tibet are coloured by a diminishing sun. heat exaggerates possibility. cold invents extreme diction. interdiction is the most careful word. from this perch, someone will sigh, because America grew so. someone else will reply, because the world could do with edges. edges meet as one: one edge, and over it, the sun. over the sun, we stick with images of dancing balls and wiggly strings and sometimes. still, winter will begin, then another month of wonder, then another. logic doesn't need our excuses. we have made love, made it from winter and from blast. the sun rises, because we say so, and the sky clears ripely. Iraq posing as Iran slides by, the river remains the same. Afghanistan and Korea are equally part, parting, partners like we try to assume. no wait, I am only American in name. I could cry or maybe you could. the steel blue sky will shift, just for us.