Sarcotheem Luurmanents (material jettison

Sarcotheem Luurmanents (material jettison

jettison m-placement (trajictory

semantaparticle sememetaporticle

cul for cur




dense meat of mappings

palimping sayest

MURGOR (fivet

drown drawn
drawn drown

string pollution

agent wearing an island of lint
barely able to move

gigantic felt amoeba knight

Catapults for Divers

[chase with spotlight into the dark over the deep black waters
and gone]

[projecting glyphs mapping upon the naked skin now blurred
over the formless deep black waters and gone]

[a thousand lasers dancing across the living contours of body
torquing in the flattened black infinite flat eternity
and gone]

Sarcotheem Luurmanents (material jettison

jettison m-placement (trajictory

semantaparticle sememetaporticle

cul for cur




dense meat of mappings

palimping sayest:

of body torquing
deep black island of (ifivet drown drawn drawn now blurred over lint
barely able sayest MURGOR (fivet MURURGOOR sememetaporticle cul for cur
curliculicalc calcucurliculi calculuurmanents dense meat felt amoeba
waters and naked skin meat of infinite flat spotlight into wearing an
eternity and gone] Sarcotheem m-placement (trajictory semantaparticle
the dark glyphs mapping of mappings palimping drown fluffbog string
pollution agent for cur curliculicalc calcucurliculi calculuurmanents
dense Divers PULL! [chase with lasers dancing upon the Sarcotheem
Luurmanents flattened black in the mappings palimping sayest gone] PULL
[a thousand (trajictory semantaparticle sememetaporticle cul across the
knight Catapults for to move gigantic over the deep black jettison
jettison m-placement the formless Luurmanents (material waters and gone]
PULL! [projecting of body torquing (material jettison jettison living
contours to move gigantic
for cur sememetaporticle cul body torquing upon the living contours
flattened black lasers dancing deep black (trajictory semantaparticle
sememetaporticle cul the formless of mappings palimping and naked to
move gigantic Divers PULL! [chase with mappings palimping waters and
lasers dancing infinite flat for cur curliculicalc calcucurliculi
calculuurmanents dense cul across deep black curliculicalc
calcucurliculi Sarcotheem Luurmanents over the waters and now blurred
over skin meat palimping drown contours jettison living glyphs mapping
Catapults for black jettison gone] PULL! (ifivet drown drawn drawn
amoeba waters waters and gone] PULL! [projecting in the now blurred and
gone] the knight (material jettison wearing an Sarcotheem Luurmanents
fluffbog string cur of body gone] PULL [a thousand barely able island of
an eternity (material jettison jettison flat spotlight of body torquing
[chase with into wearing eternity and gone] Sarcotheem spotlight into
pollution agent jettison jettison m-placement curliculicalc
calcucurliculi sememetaporticle cul for (trajictory semantaparticle
(fivet MURURGOOR deep black over lint Luurmanents (material drawn drawn
Divers PULL! lint barely able sayest gone] m-placement (trajictory
semantaparticle glyphs mapping the formless the dark upon the knight
Catapults for drown fluffbog string pollution agent jettison m-placement
[projecting of thousand (trajictory for cur Luurmanents (material the
deep calculuurmanents dense Sarcotheem m-placement sayest MURGOR island
of naked skin the dark of infinite meat of calculuurmanents dense
semantaparticle sememetaporticle across the meat felt mappings palimping
sayest torquing flattened black to move gigantic over felt amoeba of
mappings in the sayest MURGOR (fivet MURURGOOR PULL [a curliculicalc
calcucurliculi calculuurmanents dense meat (ifivet drown drawn now
of (ifivet the dark blurred and Divers PULL! living contours mappings
palimping drawn drawn of infinite of mappings palimping deep black
calculuurmanents dense across the and naked infinite flat (material
waters jettison jettison for cur island of drown of body semantaparticle
sememetaporticle sememetaporticle cul black island drown fluffbog PULL!