they spoke of suffering and she of how it was the source of her poetry as if people who didn't write never felt any pain. the question seemed to him to be useless one was what one becomes that is to say one never becomes a poet but strives towards becoming a poem. the nuance is slightly important not that he really cared. she thought poetry was so much more personal and he thought the opposite, he was snobby and she was sincere. such an easy dichotomy but that is how things were. 'But can't you see i'm talking about me in these poems' and he 'but i try and speak of nobody but by reaching towards nobody the writing becomes everybody everyone.' she sulked and so did he. they never thought the same about such things. he hadn't said that she was wrong just that he didn't think suffering had anymore part in the writing than crossing the street. why put so much emphasis on certain things and not others? he knew not why. she hadn't said he was a cold heartless bastard for speaking of nobodies but she thought it and felt it even. when they had run out of patience with having to make up each time they disagreed they finaly split up. him and his nobodies didn't really want to but she did because her me was no longer happy with living with nobodies. she cried though he was never sure if she was sad to leave him or crying out of a feeling she had wasted her time with him. he cried for months because he missed her, which was just as selfish. now they get on so well. it is so much easier to disagree with someone you no longer sleep with. simplifies things. no more keeping back the love against an unshared view of things.
that's not the end of it however. things have been told a certain way but could just as well be inversed. the he might be she and she be he. and the emphasis shifted from certain things to others. it really depends on each case. no universals, only particular cases, particular ones. nothing really changes this way apart from maybe the clichés. but they are forever changing so nothing really changes on the surface. this may seem flat and all so matter of fact. and maybe it is but who ever said depth was needed. who ever said this last paragraph was needed. to those it offends just get rid of it don't read it. try reading something else or reading this in a different order. cut and paste sentences in random order and see what happens. just try things if you're not happy.