lists are pretentious, lists are showing off, the lists are showing off their pretentiousness, lists are fun, lists are fun when pretentious, unpretentious lists are not fun, shopping lists are in general not fun, unless the shopping list is pretentious, then it is fun, lists are pretentious, here goes this list, it should be fun because it is pretentious, it should be fun because it is a show off list, lists are even more fun when in no order whatsoever, chaotic lists are pretentious because not accessible to everyone, chaotic lists are elitist, didactic lists are brutish, saying you're all brutes, you're stupid so here is a didactic list, here is this list it is chaotic, it is pretentious, it is fun, since lists are fun when pretentious and even more fun when their writer is pretentious, this list will list things the writer has never read, just for fun, because he is pretentious, he repeats himself because he is pretentious, though repetition is also fun, a list with repetitions is even more fun than a pretentious list with a pretentious writer, a list is fun for its reader, if he understands it or pretends to understand it, in pretending to understand the list the reader is pretentious, this is an even funnier, funner list of all, a pretentious list by a pretentious writer read by a pretentious reader, a list is fun, here is a list, here is a fun list which is also pretentious: Artaud, Beckett, Blanchot, Blake, Coleridge, Wordsworth, Heaney, Tarkos, Pennequin, Simon, et Claude, Jack the Kerouac, gilles et félix, guattari, deleuze, derrida(pronounced deuh rEAder), paterson, quintane, ricoeur, bloom, hejinian, de Man, william, marlowe, foucault(pronounced fucowe), Duffy, bergZon, deleuZe, nietZsche, spinoZa, Zidoli, i know it"s getting a bit ZZZZ but it must go on, I will go on, il faut [l]ire les [auteurs], tant qu'il y en a, il faut les dire(a list is even more even more funner funnier when it is pretentious with a pretentious writer and a pretentious reader who master multiple tongues, even those who say Ich verstehe nicht, ich bin ein berliner, a doughnut)i go on, benveniste, emile not sara or luis, alféri pierre, pierre deuhrEAder, hughes, and plath, else will be attacked!, avant and post avant reviews, revues d'avant et d'arrière-gardes, school of quietude, of solicitude, of nothing, mouvements for god sake! not schools! mouvements! be dada and not surrealista, hahahahaha, dictionary of easy and silly rhymes, the OED, aka oxford english dictionary, and websters, and the oxymoric petit robert, not the larousse though, too many pictures, panofski, didi, huberman, modul 1,2,3,4 revue talkie_walkie, young, julian née tanya, taking the piss magazine, lines of so called flights(notice the plural) french blogspot, ones of prose and prose of ones and prosing ones and to prose ones, and fictions of dg and libr-critik, no too kantien, libr-critique, that's better, that's tetley, tetley tea bag boxes, fag packs, no it's not funny a fag is a cigarette for britishers!, packs of fags, of wolves, of brimmers, packs of brimmers, yes, boom boom brim broom, brooming pretentious brimming, listing, lists of listings, lists never ending lists, reading is never ending, reading keybords in azerty and qwerty, reading tea leaves and mar de café, reading lists....