where the invalid speak vastly

calls into question.
dulls as a black knife.
corrosion breeds contempt.
scarecrow is a goodluck charm.
this is too beautiful, wistful.
time time is all he said, dying.
cause breeds contempt.
calling all agents, all K-9 units.
time is all the scarecrow said.
dying gentle into August night.
yes, you have the right word.
where the invalid speak vastly.
scrapings mean we do our job efficiently.
text accedes to rules we didn't write.
anytime I hear your name.
this leads with a stale impression.
bleeds out of pale blue eyes.
shuffling, barely able to make it.

• • • • • •

August dying anytime able accedes into time as to our yes.

anytime the goodluck calls have said
"we are invalid"—he this said.

breeds time breeds didn't cause gentle.
too have cause blue yes, vastly.
time dying.

dying pale to said scarecrow, job leads goodluck to it.
said, anytime we breed, write.
time, this bleeds like a scarecrow

with gentle breeds, all calls with contempt.
time is pale, dulls, scraping the all-text.

he accedes, bleeds into the text, accedes text yes,
right as he is the black I.
into corrosion rules.
scarecrow dying.

goodluck, yes, it is a name.

the made makes contempt.
and said
"dulls the agents barely." a scarecrow didn't wish
goodluck to the K-9 efficiently.
said our agents, our units, vastly.

anytime he leads all units, the scarecrow is able
to breed our goodluck. this shuffling, scraping time.
he is black and calling time, calling vastly.
speak into the agents, you, write.

all said, all said.
able are you, scarecrow, invalid or dying.
bleeds corrosion eyes.

we knife August.
is anytime we rule the time for us to call
ourselves agents? time is barely K-9.

we look into stale, dull leads, all breeds dying,
dull with shuffling and contempt.
our breeds do everything.

all this said, scrapings as the night.
hear the calling impression.

August 15, 2006