A. Desclos devient D. Aury

Yes, I’m one of them
Taken with nun-likeness, and
A life of sweaterhood
Big-eyed, we fix you
Our habits seduce you
You, of power and head
Unlike what you imagine
That feather-name we’ve taken:
The lightest thing about us
Not worry-making, wobbly, like, for instance
Our nudity
One you see or suspect
The simplicity of underthings
The proximity of tastes
Secrets alight like sparrows
You take them into your mouth, where
They warble gray and dusk
Downy sweet
What will it take for you
To acknowledge the zone surrounding
Our private reading committee
While I confess in real time
On behalf of the rest
Your wanting more is
Formal appreciation of amorous fate
Why won’t you just enjoy
The shadow plane ’twixt shoulder blade
And small of back
A signature copied has that fillip of depth
The original can’t match
I am nothing if not unoriginal