Shorts Are Wrong

New from Unbearable Books: Mike Topp’s Shorts Are Wrong, a scintillating collection of poems, prose, and lists. You can order Shorts Are Wrong right from me. Please send a check or money order for $12 to:

Mike Topp
8 Stuyvesant Oval #8H
New York, NY 10009

I'll autograph it and won't hold my breath that you might add some money for postage ($1.41) for this deluxe 128-page book with art by Will Yackulic, William Wegman, and David Berman.

"Just when I think Mike Topp's poems are funny, they're wise. Just when I think they're wise, they're bad. Just when I think they're bad, they're great. Mike Topp's book is exactly like the world."

-Eileen Myles