unhandritten notes for david b chirot...

borderimagingsdustofxeroxgestner lifes bone
in texts,David baptiste-ChiRot __ as ya might already 've guessed, in the gussied up way of day & night __ "dirty" and "clean" dont not present itself the same

of problem as do visual work in EYE work yes, the digital web presentation of work made in another medium like rubBeings does not come over the same as print.

but writing is always rough roupy and beveled with cuts and glass even when its polish'd

surfaces ah, yes the old problem but a "rough" or "dirty" surface in visual work is not a value in and of itself and Dali once said he prefers th

e reproductions of his work for exactly the reason that theY RepRoDuceD better ie to say he liked the smoother surface in prints of his paintings. DALi unlike Picasso went for the smoothest surfaces possible and many of
Got sImilar probs. with collage in here too. so J'e work with simple paint and so on his study

of painting goin back to the Renaissance painters was to learn and master the secrets of creating 

smooth oil laden polish So that is there of many manner to construct a visual artificat "clean" aint necessarily better,|||||||||||||||||||||||||
medirrrtiresblog isat
re you knew that yes, sure you knew kne w yes knew as finnegan and other intransit was dirty to its clean doubloon dear dirty ditty dublin me crying cockes mussels aliaLiLO