Good Friday

Good Friday
a *loaforenga
Little Onion & Debra Woolard Bender

Good Friday
breakfast of hot cross buns
on a cracked plate

pretty waitress the young vicar spills tea
wet warmth spreads through a brown tweed suit
soiled pyjamas thrown under the bed
potty full of flowers by the front door
seed packets on tongue depressors
ice lolly stick stuck in the drain
slow van trailing music and children
the neighbour's boy plays tin-can soccer
jersey and cleats in moth balls
six butterflies on the Lilac tree
garden wedding bride's mother wipes away tears

the taste of salt
between two lovers
fine times and foul
even the sea brings gifts
to storm ravaged shores

a turtle buries her eggs in the dune
plastron - - future past written on shells
the milkman consults his book of changes
hanging on the wall - - no green bottles
baskets of pansies sway in the wind
this way and that - - a weathercock spins
cop on point duty waves to his dad
rail commuters race the whistle
marathon runners going through pain
quick ladders up her nylon hose
finding this time easier than the last

primary exam
division problems solved
on five fingers

Loaforenga Instructions & History
The Loaforenga is a new-form renga. Hybrenga (hybrid renga)is the concept of combining several Asian verse forms into one renga-style poem. The Loaforenga hybrenga combines 4 verse forms, in one 5-sectioned poem:

(1)Lorenga, (1)Forenga (2)haiku, (1)tanka

The hybrenga concept and Loaforenga form were created by Debra Woolard Bender and Paul Terence Conneally in April 2000.

The Lorenga is a new-form renga created by ai li as shown on her website, "still." The Lorenga form is used to form part of the structure of our "Lost and Found" (Lo-a-fo-renga hybrenga. Paul created the Forenga as a counterpoint to the Lorenga form.

The Loaforenga is most suitable for 2 or 3 players although bigger groups could play. The theme of the Lorenga's last line must be loss. The theme of the Forenga's last line must be something found. The Loaforenga follows the traditional renga linking rules throughout the entire poem.

The form for two players is as follows:
Haiku/ A
Lorenga/ BABABABABAB (11 one liners/ last line refers to "loss")
Tanka/ AAA BB
Forenga/ ABABABABABA (11 one liners/ last line refers to "finding")
Haiku/ B
The form for three players is:

Haiku/ A
Lorenga/ BCABCABCABC (11 one liners/ last line refers to "loss")
Tanka/ BBBAA
Forenga/ CABCABCABCA (11 one liners/ last line refers to "finding")
Haiku/ C

ai li's
'New Linked Forms' has explanations and examples of a large number of new linked forms with guidelines - all of them are suitable for connecting and creating with others around the world via electronic mail or by connecting in the chemically coded world perhaps around the kitchen table or in the park...