In Frames

Some things spoken – like the curl of their upper lips
Some things hidden – wary eyes, pleas stilled by a click
                  An internal dialogue between
                  2 figures mounted on a wall

Darling, I want to be lost to you. Only you.
Go on, my sweet.

More rivers and oceans were added to our collection
We laughingly called those waters Trouble,
  and we named the swimming fish Love.

         This was our story
Once, my heart tumbled
  and rolled down the ground;
You picked it up and ate it.
You sponged up my blood
  and poured it gently into the sea.

You smiled your teeth white, a tooth glimmered with a !ping!

Some things you cannot grasp at all,
                             You can only stand there
                      with that 1 spotlight
                that illuminates
          an illusion
  of understanding.