
Martin had an illegitimate son who went by the name of Hedley. Not wanting to exist in the coattails of his father, the eminent father of being-being-not, he chose a vocation that better suited his mien and temper. Being, as he was, half Jewish and half Teutonic, he chose the life of the cooper, working in the smithy and ironworks with other illegitimate men who’s names began with the letter H and who’s fathers’ eminence far outweighed their wherewithal and temperament. Hedley invented the coopers’ bunghole stopper; a brass spigot formed from cows’ heads and gunpowder, though the Chinese insisted that they were true author of the latter, and had given much thought and effort of mind to the former. Hedley lived out the remainder of his life living with a cloister of cooper monks in a mud hovel on the cliffs of Dingle overlooking the Irish Sea, in keeping with his mien, temper and choice of vocation.