Tallest Building Rule
the lesson of language told tallest building to grip. the billowing love of falling down met the earnest republic. steps were taken, and not given back. tallest building cried into the sky for years to come. the years came not. lessons of language stared a colour on the side of tallest building. people were shy in various ways, until the falling building settled nicely without leaving a single. single couldn't believe. we lost a lost of republic but saw the building tall. it went tall for moments, and the sky was mentally energized. a situation's extended republic fell out of the topmost window of tall building. we work with what we know, or so much more of the settled affair. a big building stopped in love, and the people, they wrote poems. poems are a language specifically tip of the tongue. then tongue died like a building and all we knew became republic, in the black honest scuffing wind of night.