its pate was mix switch over exed, in whip the ass
over the Height of Jill's banter. the plate of imitation was the coat of embroidered delta.
a stat like a word a word like a fat cat camping in the pixy part of the old god.
not the old god, the old god, the repetition compulsion of muslin skirt and old hat
prime and other matter. or say, the schismogenesis of its relaxed room. or the kilt
and then when it works it goes henchman and mother. not a contact ferule or eye-pieced narrow beding
and hill like body decamping the bivouac. She narrows her gait to his double on hex.
enter here a detourne consonant an elapsed consonant and this chip off the old block
the gauge
o come on yer address is a dharma
so Jill chilled the moo and the boo
Mona hankered for plates of pilate speaking becoming of truth and fiery limb.
Escaping out of its narration.
Mona's _notes nietzsche_ Jill wore a suit a coat
for fictions are art
not subjective
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