Brilliant in darkness and hidden in scilens,
th' sirenumb scops 'abvox' atop th' Ullikummis
of diorite & kiss the Paphian lights' first
azure curls, a cultus aflower'd by limbs un-
finish'd in laves, to lavish upon 'tao' what
the 'tao' has lavish'd upon thou; equation's
caution causing tics to any agalmata, to the
baba-thorny porphyroblastic schitzopode cont-
igneous to the causeway's agasmata, the Teuth-
elegy of our liberty's manifold Tryphainai,
overcome by a suffering [bracketed], and
to see her lying [truthless], like the
dead, or daimonese, of the abacuses'
temenose Tommotions, a commotion störning
scandalo in perpetuumobile, double-tonguing
all those whaorlds bent over like drunken
rustics amidst the denunciations of
agroterasque Alexandrines.
These are the unlikely words of the final
Mayan rabbits.