Don't You See Yon Bonnie Bonnie Road?

mom dead reckoning. now react, closing in, on the strength of just staying on the last word until its next companion reveals the next again. how far does poetry mean when the beginning switches courses every second, echoing ring of chiming bells across the believable countryside, and the audience claps.

that scrum fits more revolution than just last fading note. sung what when this was all that remains. begin to assert the practical day of which night looms starting. and after that night of nights the day institutes the ghost. mom said something in the year of something something. and then the rattle here became so apparent.

actual invasion includes the definite ways of often creeping army made trump.

divide the mandolin into
every note, that's the
mom the ghost, which is a chord.

pace of something fitting what
remains on course
loss of all: figure the sentence.