The Story of The Bug-Gut Stele: Lost In the Kuru-Jangala

O hippy, carry forward sahib
sahibby to the hobamok hip-ho
plite yaomanjung the megaron
coccoon the ears viney lives
you * here looked is then,
barbarian pizza effect let
Kamandi, with head is effect
villanova po-lice listen there
is in troubled villanova po-lice
chiefs reclining relaxedly among
the megaron and capanne forward
who can he the hobamok again with
the only home and they listening
taking up with kamandi again with
the canine-headed troups tradition
Look of the megaron waters kingdom *
many saying is we a stone cocoon
here is the meritorious dog
the merely notorious dog


halt for baked rain apple


1Chien handle you


here then, let us culminate:
the nose monsters have here
infested reclining relaxedly
among meritorious dog upon
plattergourd mountain lives
a house which is a dog's head
the of Ch'iens many 'critical
statue he looked apple * 1Chien
handle house which the eyes are
stuffed with coccoon the ears
are infested with cocoon of blood
gorgon called le dog * halt for
are dog's dance euhemeristic
the dogs the nose is a bronze
brazier all around the house
dance dogs capanne taking up
the been fuddy-duddied it how
ling some nothing but a hip-
the tongue is a stone ram
which blocks the door hoplite
yaomanjung barbarian begon to
a is a Lo, Kamandi is said: I,
with this dog's head is nothing
but a sack of bloodeditions' *
and sahib sahibby blood and a
merely notorious the canine-headed
and a sack of blood is the only
home in troubled waters kingdom


many dancing dogs are howling
some listening and they begon to howl
some howl who can no longer listen
howl some howl is am the dancing
plattergourd mountain sack house a
howl there is a howl of listening
dog's ram which blocks baked rain
a of at it.. There door this and
dogs the there is a universal flame
of gorgon called le caractere meri
diongale tongue are stuffed chiefs
brazier all around figure Geb's ALIVE!
IT'S ALIVE! E-tuskans~ are is sack
of universal with pizza meridion
ale E-tuskans~ what i'm are what
i'm saying is carry to to keep
kamandi veiny coccoon and the
monster is our no longer the
we monsters have been fuddy-dud
died it is our euhemeristic
tradition head the eyes troups
here listening there upon
bronze the flame caractere
Look at it.. upon Abraham
us culminate: upon is a many
Ssu-ma There are many Ssu-ma
Ch'iens many 'critical editions'


and Lo, Kamandi looked upon Abraham Geb's statue
he looked upon the figure of the viney veiny coccoon

and he said:

I, Kamandi, am here to keep the monster ALIVE!

(a discussion of code and substance)