Phenomenology, second lesson: the transcendental-ego is not the same as the psychological-ego. The latter is desirous and full of unflattering oedipal needs, such as the mastering and attendance of one’s evacuations. Point in case, shit equals money equals shit equals more shit ad infinitum. Freud showed us that feces have a dollar value, which is traded for mother’s approval and tinned biscuits. This phenomenological-ego {borrowing from the Cartesian cogito} is a shifting, heaving, reconfiguring receptacle, or conduit. Why the ego, you might query: because the ego, or as Husserl puts it, the transcendental-ego, is the world, not the world the world. Apodicticity is possible in and by the transcendental-ego, the ‘thing’ that perceives, apperceives, apprehends and otherwise makes sense of the sensate phenomena of the world. Having said that, or that, the configuration seems pointless and altogether moot, for our purposes at least, feces is money who’s dollar-value is feces which is apperceived, apprehended, perceived and given apodictic evidence, or certainty, by Freud, who in turn had a thing for his mother and locked his daughter in the closet. I myself prefer Wittgenstein, he knew where to cop the best dope and build airplanes from scratch and balsawood.