FAD Jubnall, Using Chemiluminescence As A Readout Signal, Frenching Medusa For A Lottery Tongue

in the topology result
>switch nicotine blue
>switch may lead to semiquinone radicals
semi-perfect radicals a horse penis dream with rotary
mouth disease paddle
i've sensed you don't lick where the is was as his has go wing
cyma recta
"Yes, I'm-a-wrecked, I'm-a-bilding, and sick.."
go forth//
semisomnous my Mother just waved
then spoke to me "grumpy chemicals"
and entered the bathroom
a visitor
this semi-section
of semitaur us
bullying the empty air
the night's cool rod and ivy flame
of leathern latex blackness enchromed
by sidewalk haze
and liquid halibut bone building tiny
where perfect pearls stack in hollow ribbon
zymes, glucose oxidase,
GOx, and glucose dehydrogenase,
GDH, are electrically contacted with
the electrodes by the reconstitution of the corresponding
apo-proteins on flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)
or pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ)-functionalized
Au-NPs (1.4 nm) associated with
electrodes, respectfully
listened to these roving gangs of 19th Century
Hawaiian Leper Bandits called
Romagna fire buried depths suffers drive come saw dirt history dirty
divine Ixotta's cactus gurrrrrr den
bang bang Rifle Rocket Bohemian
Dog Urination of 1657 Aus Nether
landish pictarunish 'em...