averglewild clipping

with its congelid livery of heavy lidded marrow slugs, the shadow barked, as an oval, into a pale blue web, hung slymniscent atween two black, spiroudal columns singled out for no apparent reason for this purpose.

it sayes, "hoo is the member of the black spot, hoo is the way for the wavering chizz of blitter to paigle forth the slipbok with the hylemnescant tyltheding, way tuorning fibrillants krill the muork with harlvey a hyde to stinkfrond, and huorvey a heald to quiver. thus the black spot will weary a bone claim in its seven tiered pagoda hat for the white crows are but statues heavy with crabtits, the lucre of ground bee metals to sugar the tonsil wounding bugbear crowns whose parapets are whips in legion carving lesion words in a wyrmiforme manifolding, a pleated circus plane where the wiles ney to werewiles in the metiswampum kala katabjornimoot, the detachable jaw- root- horn-a-graftling shorn of its haormoneys, its liquorwhelk and chaoblenniasps to shave in elst its flickerscales yumor to the twad ballasts swaying soo by the limmeridull'd hydatid, the pea-hollered hussock which cavel bines the midsection with a corotid growell loobspinny with inching greaselorbs piney with ossipants."

there, into its guts, it sthwisted huway, buggy limericks chopped from a spiney tree heavining with blondted thorn-bladder, dugs and scrotums mixed by a cactuswitch into a cavaleering messenmast, a scrawly old totemurmnade weerling a frowl of lumenusk, toadfroth cilia around its maw's abasoleum, sun milk with fritter cutletzenyolky, to spirulinden mates these crabmonkey frothballoons in an alter of bread while langue moosts its humanate savories, cross liquors skoop and bolt, out like ivory puppet helmets growing growling ringlets of frivulets letterin let her in to yer old black hovel by the sea bled boskin shack there to prime its dowelry, it sifares down in drowning here, say this, say this betty in the pike stall handing them beaten senseless to moony calfs the stars folding up, in a paper purse heavy wisprockets gummed by eyeless leperwort, the heavy hinge which creases the socket for a mug brimming and steaming with, faces the leopard of spider-faced baroque cathedral bananas hollowed by tourniquet headed minstrel snakes their fingerings but, suppurating blowholes cetacean in the hylgepessar hiomble jiomble hotch kipotch a pellet for a murmixikont to snap open in its transparent, ribwings some honeysuckly piplarchmeant of villean sweemenpetal, that flidgety buttery kissynosed bombast of babywood wilky with hitherfeather and bumpshussaddled peligroponiflexure, the ink gravy mirrors smile into the shuddering, camisole chimney lace flixy with nippled stamenomen nasty with the huorgnoddling yextervilblets, the gurney huggling kubordiclownjik which waddles into any caveorn by, orn its prine is a salt-needled citadeal for the butterflied kissing buggery mouths this henryanus headed crown doth linger in transparent purple petal flesh and only inside seenits pollengolems cavuortling such, gameygametesgaming its odes are leathern balloon shapes pegged to a vast and undulant wallworkaratechuloomb, a clockwork rabbit with blue fungal lantern teeth aswarm with orchid firefly planes shardel me pardon pane, gibveres to Semnaulont, a deep unabiding kiss to yer tagroots....