things which you did: ibidem ibidem|duree 2, 2,2,2,2,2,2,

the problem with you is you took it seriously when i was a comedian a comic when comedy is my forte, its yer serious deadness which ruins things for you and others, and thus your fanaticism thats why you got caught in the shite yer in. with yer house and the dogs and kids and washing machine and paranoia. and no fun a. and possessive spouses. and diseases. you killed yer joy and lost yer honesty. like thE Waitress did the waistress. and so you feel sorry for yourself stopping an d starting all the time. making grand announcements and prima donna entraces & exits . and speaking of praying? its not a sentimental effusion but an action. like art . so quit this shit. yer wolvees are barking. yer gods are wolverines. my children y ou took from me. come to my have a baby. itts here for you with the seven sun. of the crescent mooned mad barbed sky. never mind muss editory and her crappy sidewise attempt. what is this? but eros reader close to the shape o f your ass. a tomtom. a bucking bull. a yule.

oh the one there. yea. she think something cannot. read. said once wanted to be a cop but became a writer. she sat on this with me to say its filth and lie. poor wee lady so young and dumb. not you this waistress of bull stinging shaft. what behold that?

it a strange machine and freeing i see it as a sort of return to what print used to be and my sense is a lot of writers and peots and others tend to see blog as the old media inside the new media meaning they expect it to do what the older ones did and do.
its a classic mistake and error/ putting new wine in old bottles thinkin new thoughts, of form expressioncontent in old thinkings. its very dumb!~

Not only do they not compose a whole together, but they do not testify to a whole from which each part is torn, different from every other, in a
kind of dialogue between universes. But the force
with which the parts are projected into the world, violently stuck together despite their unmatching edges, causes them to be recognized as parts, though without composing a whole, even a hidden one, without
emanating from totalities, even lost ones

By settling fragments into fragments, [] finds
the means of making us contemplate them all, but with-
out reference to a unity from which they might derive,
or which would derive from them (ibid) .

the poem sets-up diagonals or transversals, movements which:

cause us to leap from world to another, from one

word to another, without ever reducing many to the One,

without ever gathering up the multiple into a whole,

but affirming the original unity of precisely that

multiplicity, affirming all these irreducible

fragments ().




Dont you like that Mister AntiOedipus? hahahahaha He zinged herhisheadingofftheleaptheleapas matrix to the swell.

5,000 years ago someone told me the code to make spaces here in bloggetteland but its very boring to do that, and very bourgeois!~ dont you think? and think?


since all 'my' poemsare on parole

lets be candid admitting all my

"I's" 're on parole too!!~


Life is a short brief.