theE follies of resentment versus merriment

Heamy Lobooks__ blogs are the books that I am, the confused man, the negligent man, the reckless man, the lusty, obscene, boisterous, scrupulous, lying, diabolically truthful man that I am ...

Perfection is for the museeeUm Mum|>>>>>>>>mybestfriend>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
let here/there be excess

To move forward clinging to the past is like dragging a ball and chain. The prisoner is not the one who has committed a crime, but the one who clings to his crime and lives it over and over. We are all guilty of crime, the great crime of not living life to the full. But we are all potentially free. We can stop thinking of what we have failed to do and do whatever lies within our power. What these powers are that are in us may be no one has truly dared to imagine.

I GoffardR saith Mona,
I say we is free as flow of excees libidinous excess

Inivte Mister William Blake for tea. madame Sorcerress