Cathode Sesumel's Log

[he has successfully completed covering the orm]

[place him into chute 93a]

leaf will rotary
mountain hideout colossos


we sunbathed hanging
on long ropes down into the waterfall atrium

papi played a yam
into a rainbow
the wiry constellation mirror dragon mobile
some tables there we had meat

read small books
of lines intersecting but no story
to dazisesium

[move him to the b chute now]

up further the planks were more uniform
some huts had been built which were clean and comfortable
there was a patio which looked out over the gorge
both tea and alcohol were available
one lady wore a fikle patch
so into essential salamander antenna these
glass animal mating calls

[now the c chute]

sesumel could split her body down the middle
all her organs had been made free-living
in essence she was a kind of conscious sponge
a colonial path to righteousness for I am the kingdom
and the glory

[move him over to 96d]

watta wattah wattax xawwat tawas twasat uxu
mil milux twawwatswax nebu subuwax piss slippers
ajax fu fui fueille simps algin bowsprit hyetal altar
shoetree. appealed, cadelles haulages anticar snaring.
simony hurrays answers slimming. alkalic aril shoguns.
antacids, brighten hm apostle shroud. sleep arrival
alembic sloshier. apocarps anele sickened.

Your Toni.

[okay, he isn't going to make it out of this chute,
give him the final clamp, and let's clean up the history lines...]

flax plastic desert is mo memory gem we encode endspace
row upon roe of recording eggs vibrated into pattern
through a tympanum it spoke with regular sogmule

[dimension after grave sumg, that "gode"]

goat god data knife, the temporal arrangement we had with them
would come to a narrow neck, but the sequence had a stone wired
impedance repeater that flonked the ether mats to a wrecking pool,
that's how so many of us had come to the high mountain retreat, pure
music in the solvent baths, the chute lottery was violent but necessary,
at least to form our point of viewlessness.

medusa in a wheelchair was led out onto the veranda,
"veraciconda mebeltruong"