Now lookee Duffy you send that. what was genius to Bronali? was up the innersiding o'ver_se.
Dig that daddio.
Papa Deleuze might amaze, it, he might rake it.
Over here. One green evolve lope. Augmented to anagram
matical to passive intense. Of it slippage. the Cite
of citationality is the green grass sloped better
around your blue buttocks. as a queen wld.
finding epic slimile. oh come! on! dat not fair!
Fare them wail.
the pretenders of picasso
sleek faced the slank yodel of asscheek to wane
its broken summer wind
the coughing mooring lungs'
like Lir's weight
not Lear's fodder.
Sc amble to Mona's schizod petal her rose by any other frame.
It veils to with each.
We hit them with the veils of nirvana.
Summer. Sauntering saturday night. Into the past
of its avenue rolling, not thinkin '
emotin. not canadian but foreign shore
to foreign lands. as want . it keep to place in Liffey
swirl in Dublin town.
Where Parnell's statue stay.
And Easter agreement stay.
Where peace come . Clomping. Worked it does.
it does. In Derry town.
In South and Mouth. Where Iridzman gost their loam.
Said all is done to wend.
This "series" As Prof. remark
is Over.