the Muses before a summer storm

Melpomene lost her sandal in the mud
Terpsichore stubbed her toe

Satanic mudras of the Underworld
Every finger snaps and defends

Unreadably dense in an hour's time
That's what they said in the forecast

So black, so black. We couldn't see cloud
And the urine-colored past is gone

The apparent action was only for show
As Clio cartwheels into our barn

How clean must your hands be to throw a rock?
When it is little the work is pure

O screaming Sybil in leaf-piles, utterances
On Helicon the woodbine weaves women's figures

Tire wave and wrap so much in the heat
And so too the telephone cords, winding, flapping

"Or yourselves abundant." I hope this means me
And Calliope says, "the work is in the doing"

Something will hit her in the divinity so right
The hills sing and break at her terrible delight