Jai-Lai Latte' For Bottle Nosed Belt-Buckle Polishers

"I aahdm ~pikip~ hidmire ur pincerpals.." [cukfullupthimpkud, "crash"]
Jetty Doone, from _Gorsht, What a Plate of Banana-Lizards, and Studies of
Ancient Bactrian Envelope Art_

sweet buddha
sweet buddha sweet
boop boop tee boo doo da


cacao longina
beaver rubber peltate moosi chai
chert verbule probulurscunt my "MY MUDFLAP HEIL"

my mudflab hyle
in mai thai grove
seems sere this ego of your desert world
of your loom speak's salvage yard

you say
that language is
danger mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nous
hydro hydra
natural romantic storm flakes petrelling the petroleum

in the naturalist novel
the structure of the character's character determined by its interests

cusk eels
go pink body wiles
dolphin skitter jade toothed totem pole

as ahau i take pleasure in removing your head
you spring beer quaffring jeweled bubbled syntaxis syntaurus
of Bopp beep sweet sweet buddha
sweet buddha sweet
boop boop tee boo doo da

a schitzandroid vine blooms along the street

mechanic lumber jade
of aquatic hermit thrusts
a short fight
in the check-out line
between two fat people