to the newborne antichorst
who comes with a windmill to gruind...
numinous puma
pneuma onus nous-cous
succor uma Pluto
ma Pluto mater alma
all matter puma punther
numb umbilical
noose lose lumen pumice
puma plough
pulled through hummus
humerous summer
plumbed in numinous puma plumage
sing o singular
o lariat o cell phono light
litter iterate oblated bloatings sing a
a long singularity's singed fringes hang
tongs lift the portion's "grylle marks"
this "high 5" for winged phallus touched to leaf dew grasshopper
studies mouthparts
dreams gryllus of piano mandibles weaving blond windsock
hairless amoeba eyes present their crystal castle scabs
their crystal castle scarabs and crystal castle crabs
lo cudworth
the panther pants in a punty of magma thrillody
wren flutes weaving the bamboo rhizomates
the amber gristle whose whistling larynx cuttleflims swilsh and flimser whishel
flishy grastle the piano eye castle's puma plumage homage
puma grasshopper cows plough through numb plumbing
a single monolung
the basilisk hornsac threaded by a wingplate crochet hummingbird
its tiny luminous bobbin horns releasing the hollow silk flutes played
cherub-headed solar collector leaf hoppers
purse snaps
the grandmother biscuit weevil
rubs ass crack on the calculus of azure loofa antennae
Samurai w/ Southern Belle
Nigirizushi on amorphizz grits patty
fresh fish for my mega blunt thanksgiving o-oiterabbles
Popeye-headed Walrus with
dual Meerschaum pipe tusks tooting