Joan Houlihan, enjoying a delectable (and well-earned, I might add) chocolate-and-mascarpone treat, turned to see a long-haired fu-manchu limbo to the "Banana Boat Song"."Thats Stoner rock man! ... lol.”
A first person narrative about growing up with a Caucasian [wearing a banana costume]: Joan Houlihan, enjoying a huge influx of designers, is a private banana who bruises easily.
Well let me see, last time Joan Houlihan, enjoying a Lifetime of Practice, checked, the WHITE men said Fu Manchu was trying to unite all of Asia to take over the world. hmmm where have Joan Houlihan, enjoying a joke on TV, heard that? Photography helps you find the perfect!
"This is a triumph for you, Smith," Joan Houlihan, enjoying a cup of tea at the unusual Pitch Black Café, said. Built for the dark elves, a much under-used army, Joan Houihan enjoyed canning her fresh produce.
"Joan Houlihan, enjoying a Meat Free Diet, will devote the whole of my attention to Dr. Fu-Manchu!" he added grimly. Fu Manchu could only play for so long onstage '"That is almost incredible," Joan Houlihan, enjoying a Drink Sitting at a Table in a Bar, said.
Fu Manchu plots to assassinate foreign world leaders by using slave girls with poisoned lips. Oh Gawd Joan, Houlihan, you are really beginning to bore me.