castro castellum
stars’ battle-camp
distribute astro
where order with
strew out across.
no VUS
vanguard novus
box in the road
translate new dia
we are us
no way to go
we have new
not new road
van translate
carry on us
no van carry
on us trans via.
you don’t say the words
because they mean anything --
you say them because
they sound right.
it all started now.
I will try before the meeting
more details to you
reviews of each process
should be involved
the two specific actual cases
the ultimate goal to be made
is to have on the two changes
if you have a conflict
that only one or two representatives
I’ll put me down, there’s a chord
of association that passes between
the apse and confessional stalls
at the back. I’ll put me down in
the cathedral, an architecture passing
between the aisles, the pews,
the praying congregation, put me
at the altar, put down the sphaera mundi.
it’s a play of fettered space.