"Autobahn zu Holle" is Greek for Participation

chaste mountaintop is all the rage. inklings remain free in sudden direction towards the gulf between air and life. the Selective Service (your friend) proceeds into snow as deep as trendy restaurants. no one asks for rhymes in this cold, and the respect of dying out loud seems paler even than the dream of snow. are we resistant to change? I could ask that, thinking other veterans want a place to sit, before tragic chasms seem too perfect. Selective Service is a trust of people with dun-coloured papers to be signed, thru ages on slopes when time doesn't include all numbers. we remember exactly the numbers we could have, were the warmth of the valley publicly traded. no question fails the patience of Iran poised as Iraq. aren't Tibet and Nepal just pale imitations of each 0ther? dictation of starchy emblems to be worn on uniform Selective Service documentation isolates endeavours into corrals called mountaintops. it all cries for deference in the sound. looking a little chubby, each of us realizes in the breadth of our entry to proximate need.

the wind sound, then, hovers on a charge trusted for years. if we could just... but then, what mapping wakes me now, as I stand alone on this top moment? a whine as red as trusting the soul for food. I think I had a day there, before the cold became more than ignorance of utter cranes in marshy night skies. a victim of vacation timeshares ran up to me, lodging complaint into my DirecTtv. as I rolled down the surface of what I understood as grace for a period, tremendous cold seemed liked the novel approach that I needed. I awaited a director to include freshets spelled like tea. I would drink the warm potion, fit caffeine into my system, and refine what I could refine. this strict district needs a run of luck.

then: I reeled with messages from family members lost in their traits. I suppose this is just practice.

then: I understood the passing of time into friends. I am glad that I am the love of the living.

then: I examined an irregular heartbeat, not mine but familiar in the proceeds.

after the trust of discussion, I came to the village for sure. my charge came with me. I thought of Yeti in a crimson loaner, while the dismay of mechanics involved a garage tempered in task management, and the old buggy gets aspirated. I will see Yeti yet, I vowed, pleased to see words in light. the invention of 4000 foot chasms seems excessive.