verse criticism
to stop writing hash-ed up prose to stop declaring verse to start no not to just start experimenting, prose poetry? how about verse criticism to fight resist platitudes of multitudes of wannabe universitaires. create, create, please create instead of saying sorry your wrong i'm wrighting your wrong explication interpretation of well wrought texts to play with not playwrights but becoming-bee bricolagists pollinating texts with sexes not phallic pens nor indexes thumping the board of keys but spiderly hands weaving the web of webs or why not mouths spitting the pips of pomes from mouth to mouth lacing their way through interlocking tongues a thousand tongues not licking ass but try it if necessary, licking holes the holes of the white page words burning through creating lines of escape through positive destruction of little famaly secret of thousand time lived secret. pollinate small pockts of prose. if no good do as Paterson says and click on web history and click again this time on delete and start process of polliwrination again not from zero but from n-1.