Quarles' Coat of Arms

"God takes joy in the odd numbers."

More than twice
I passed the Bacbuc
back to Trinka
back towards the little
dolphin inside the young bottle
she had become
and as a becoming animal
mostly just waited (beautifully)
evening is snide and silly etc.
(moonish, mannish, whatever)
unless a passing wave /~
in crystal and heterodyne
releases some Hokusai butterflies
from its cacoethic's
crib death monocle scribbling
[fucking magic]
some forgotten Russian composer's
name who

pet is to tattoo
as monad is to Zipangri

and then chuckled across

Sebastian Munster's
Novae Insulae

only to be absorbed
in the endless sweaty cabbage,
obscurity would always save the oracle
but the poet
must have friends

as the puppet
has its gods

groatgreen and unshod
a puppet is uncomfortable
with nakedness

just as the rebec can
never face
a perfect number