Listen My Friends, Your Bathtub'sFull of Icebergs

do you believe you have met
the far end? poetry
without the gunk, that is.
you were looking for
icebergs in the bathtub.
what's this? said you, with your
toe in hand. that
toe, your best. and it was
the message of all
sex could handle. toe:
electric, AND
rent free. so poems of
toe explode into
bathtubs everywhere. your
republic beams to
every neighbour because
otherwise the slime
will take over. dishes
in the future carry
poems out of breath. Bob
Feller the Cleveland Indian
fireballer invented feminism
in 1951: do you trust
your senses? poetry gets lucky
with every new toe
in the bathtub. are you
a toe? are you alive
to bathtubs? icebergs,
after all, were your
original quest. so you
make your toe an
iceberg, and you
do it today.