to sONnEt

fourteen lines in the end '__^____`

with more often than not `__^___^

an octave or two quatrains _^__`^__

followed by a sestet or two `___'___^

three line stanzas with in most ^__^___`

cases a pre-established rhyme `_^_'__^
scheme or what appears so in `__^_`__
the end, though the sonnet is _`_`_`_`
not an organism with its turns^__^____`
prefolded and destined but __`__^__`

rather a process of sONnEtizing ^__^__'__^_

lines conjecturing towards each ^_'__`__`
other in variations of speed and `__`_`_'_
intensity creating A sONnEt _'_^_'_^_