deliberalogies' pe-hyseont

also the zufa, atufa in velligstein is only the necessary
approached on a more’s distant whey

also the zufa

atufa mach sheened ice
bach blown by cold in sert
brew talis max minne bach mach bach more’s

two oxen mirrored squid tank

atufa for the floating mach
bach more’s distant whey
moor oxygen oxen floating ox atufa

dona zufa
dona sert sheen eddied
quasisquid's frogmeant-um

oxygentle max
minne bach cold blown atufa
cold cold blown approached on approached by also

zufa the necessary velligstein
dona approached by leg two oxen floating
the whey leg floating zufa dona sert necessary

ox leg floating atufa
zufa 2ox sert sheened also bach
by cold distant whey
oozer by leg oxygentle limit way

dona zufa atufa "wurgle"
by two &.. 18
mach sheened the floating in velligstein

cold blown moor’s way
peen bobbling two oxen bloch

tufa floating leg oxen
ox leg oxygentle chidder bye
litter dammand

limit by auto-contour
ingrown by zufa outgrown by cold
blown moor’s atufa

warm hosting bobbling
two oxen hostile fourista
cold by cold atufa warm hosting tear

peen stay
brew talis mont
font blue tear atufa
sotto tunnel della lept

mine bloch feery los
oozer by max mux 09)
thinne by leg’s moor oxygen whey
hosting tear atufa mine by zufa
2 gas burl pelage

piddly program fudge
proto storage atufa

breadhands fundamental topos

nay moor calc uloni