epi. epi. syn sign taxy.
epitaxy. epic taxonomy.
monolithic cinema.
mons of sign mother.
in a mons. of a mons.
sin mother. syne moth re:
Firstly, Language is not. But it is provisional.
When it is not provisional, then it becomes an entrainment.
Entrainment exists in nature in a variety of forms.
Geese migration patterns being a common example.
A physics phenomenon of resonance, first observed in the 17th century, has an effect on all of us. Entrainment is defined as the tendency for two oscillating bodies to lock into phase so that they vibrate in harmony. It is also defined as a synchronization of two or more rhythmic cycles. The principle of entrainment is universal, appearing in chemistry, pharmacology, biology, medicine, psychology, sociology, astronomy, architecture and more. The classic example shows individual pulsing heart muscle cells. When they are brought close together, they begin pulsing in synchrony. Another example of the entrainment effect is women who live in the same household often find that their menstrual cycles will coincide.
The word is a kind of propaganda of entrainment.
Narrative is like a columnar focusing stream which
sets the limits and the boundaries. "Here, just follow
the dotted lines." In a lot of situations there aren't
any need for dotted lines, and the dotted line has
become a tyranny. A tyranny of the banal. A tyranny
of the forms of discourse. A tyranny of genre. All
these tyrannies add up to filtering out the natural
creativity of the human mind, because instead of
a culture of creation, we have created a culture
of protocols. Even within Democracy, there exists
a fascism of the protocol. Some people have been
able to tweak the existent contexts so as create
a space where they can redefine the protocols to
suit their purposes, while the rest of us must
suffer with the gag and reflex of entrainment's
organic embodiment. Nobody in the world is concerned
with this. What they are after is a way to use their own
understanding of protocol as 'right behavior' and
proper protocol to gain the things they desire.
Nobody questions this at all. Even in art. Art can only
succeed unless it can be encoded into a language which
makes sense of standard entrainment faculties, hence
"The Artist's Statement" which gives the poor protocol
victim some cookie to cling to in the oblivion of the
productions of the individual mind, which is, as hard
as it to realize, something like its own universe,
unless it has become nothing more than a protocol
policeman which many minds are.
Even this text is merely an example of a certain
specie of entrainment [entertainment]. It is a fiction.
Do you believe in fiction?
Reality is a fiction because it uses the dotted
lines of existing protocols to navigate its domain.
Diogenes points to a new type of animal.
The homeless also point to this in an abject way.
There are other ways for us to live.
Our total social universe is quite arbitrary.
At the root of all the great conferences on
social theory, this is essentially the message.
How come everybody locks themselves away?
Because horror is just around the corner.
It's not pleasant to discover this.
Just k'idding. It's not really like that at all.