notes from the trial -- worst. testimony. ever.


depth of vision depth of water depth of reflective surface depth of content depth of magnetic field depth of appeal depth of tonality depth of impression depth of forest depth of terminal debilitation depth of carpet depth of inkstain depth of hypertension depth of bullshit depth of bootheel print depth of vaulting depth of height depth of kitten depth of houseboat depth of depth of reach depth of breakfast depth of renunciation depth of corporate malfeasance depth of indicators depth of investigation depth of application depth of auditing control depth of Boolean searching functionality depth of angle depth of depth depth of zone depth of mobile telephone depth of witness stand depth of depth-on-a-stick depth of randomness depth of you’re wasting my time depth of personal devotion to astral avocation depth of attorneys’ line of questioning depth of width depth of chivalry depth of notion depth of respect depth of ignominy depth of walking around depth of tell me another one, fat man depth of staying awake depth of narrative depth of ennui depth of house depth of percentage depth of falling away depth of accounting best practices depth of chance operations depth of hear the gila monster sing what is his message to you? depth of the minimum wage worker depth of lands outside imagination depth of signal depth of assaultive orientation depth of cycle depth of steerage depth of alphanumeric systems depth of struggle depth of dopey depth of Internal Revenue Service seizure of all relevant financial documents depth of Toledo depth of Pancho the Wonder Gerbil depth of rocket trajectory depth of due process depth of Muslim Fundamentalism depth of how at the end of the day can you live with yourself knowing what you have witnessed of this crime? depth of anchovy loaf depth of 24-hour service restaurants in the greater metro area depth of the sewer’s backed up again depth of my initials depth of interior humor depth of form depth of sounds higher than a normal human ear can detect depth of emphasis depth of how much longer? depth of meat market depth of current affairs you lose track of depth of ‘just rain’ depth of adjourn this bad boy early depth of a glance behind and we saw the water rising depth of library fines depth of hallucination depth of this day’s dog is nearly hung depth of wide wide wide flows the muddy Wasatch to the sea depth of capability depth of truth-statements depth of standing depth of highlight depth of watch this, the clock is still running.
