A member of Brim today unearthed a pixel of a jewell in finding what is believed to be the first ever paintrist video.

Filmed with a more than basic webcam, the video was supposedly shot by Tchernoble paintrist Tomas Sidoli. Another Tchernoble paintrist, Emilio Boronali, has already worked the video medium with unmoving pixelled images. This first podcast attempt (here) had been seen as a prepixelisation of things to come.

Brim is still awaiting firm confirmation that this is indeed the work of Tchernoble paintrist Tomas Sidoli. Brim sources close to paintrism as well as Sidoli experts are, however, in no doubt that this is the real deal. This is what paintrist expert Léonie Tristepan had to say: "On first view, I was almost sure it was a Sidoli. The more I watched the video, the more I was convinced of my initial gut-feeling. There is no doubt about it, all the Sidoli trademarks are there, the almost brutal technique, the self-referentiality, the short form, the grainy pixel mouvement etc... Really, I would say that confirming this video as a Sidoli is a mere formality."

Brim is proud to present the first ever paintrist video:

Confirm première video paintrise by tomas_sidoli