notes from San Francisco trip


Berkeley, Telegraph Ave.
Same spit, different day

Caffé Strada, 6 pm

“do you think God is worried about spring cleaning?!”

over bells at half seven the hophead Asian trash student
on endless cellphone conversation.
“this doesn’t finish — never!”
“did you think it would? that’s disgusting!”

he wanders back and forth, to the sidewalk, then into the street.
“you know she was telling me. you know? you know.
and then somebody says . . .”

Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring
finishes on the carillon.



“don’t annoy me ‘cause I’m beautiful.” —SRL

“I am the fucking Angel of God
come to rain fire on all
you troglodytes!”

(written day before VA Tech Massacre)


that’s God
smiling from
the severed head

that’s art shaking
its finger in praise

that’s nature
upending the telescope
and laughing

that’s reason
overtaking the rumors
at the marathon

that’s art, that’s
God, shattering the
modern-day pillars

of an ancient pagan
sanctuary, that’s
screaming you hear
over the loudspeakers
of Vatican City

that’s a strong cup
of coffee, that’s
moonbeams and crysalis
husks floating down
from the sky and
praising the one
whose head is a sheep’s

that’s Bingo pointing
his skinny claw
and flicking forked tongue

that’s a mean pack of signs

breakwater makes art

from waking from
draining from the hand’s
turn from the waiting eye.