Brim Exclusive! Sidoli Video Confirmed as Genuine

Brim editors today received confirmation from Tomas Sidoli in person that yesterday's posted video was genuine. Here is the e-mail Sidoli sent us:

Dear Editors,

Following yesterday's publication of the post 'First Paintrist Video Found' I address, to you and your readers, the following video confirming that yesterday's video was filmed by the pixelic components that are Tomas Sidoli.

Yours Sincerly,


Our paintrist expert Léonie Tristepan had this to say from Paris earlier today after viewing the confirmation video: 'This was the mere formality I was speaking of yesterday, literaly. There is very little form to this new video. Again we see the self-referentiality, especially with the rings on the right hand, again the technique is brutish and again it is very short.'