ruff darft response...

yes, renaming is key, or  drawing ourselves out of the haze to subtle distention that creates this arbitrary construct called humanness.., until we can name it, we can not see it or see us in it, we are nothing. in all my studies on gender or the deconstruction of a constructed lie, I have released my self from the lie only to see my self in a jail, but I would rather realise my own delusions that attempt to push against gravity and leap off tall buildings, knowing gravity is just a part of being a body on a body in space,maybe who knows.

epiphanic, yes.... my main focus has always been altered states of consciousness... anything less for me is mere prostitution and an exercise in the hegemony... I admire the psychotic, we need to stop all medications for mental inabilities to cooperate..if everyone could be passionately obsessed with something anything and only that thing until it takes over there be realised, our manifestation must be beyond living.... there is nothing else but our ability to take over ourselves..

Kari Edwards at
